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With a positive, inquiring attitude and the intention,
you can find all sorts of opportunities for abundance
in hard times.

You can give classes/workshops in alternative foods
and food sources, alternative housing, and retrofitting
for greater energy efficiency.

You can use the links below to investigate ways that
you can get into alternative energy.

See also my section on ENERGY. Apparently there is a
great potential for retro-fitting buildings and re-equipping
them to be much more energy efficient.

Some of the Web sites contain instructions for "Do It Your-selfers."

Other sites will be added to tell about equipment you
can buy from NFF or through the site listed. (The
Alt Energy Engineering site/catalogue covers solar,
water, and wind generation of energy.)

If you want to sell the alt energy equipment or start
your own business, sometimes all you have to do is
register with the wholesaler. An occupationnal license
from your city or county will probably be no big deal. You
can go online and find out what your State requires re fictitious
names, corporations, etc.


Alternative Energy (Complete!)
El Paso Solar Energy Assoc.